
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Rain, Rain Go away!!!

So we have been experiencing ALOT of rain. My car was powerwashed yesterday (good so all that bird shit will be washed off) bad because our plans to go to the beach was ruined today!
So now the BBQ will just have to come to us....for now at least!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

My week in review

My accounting week was so hard! I was excited going in but I'm not gonna lie, I was super happy to see friday evening come. I just wanted to get out of there and go home. It was a really, really hard week for me. But deep down in my heart I know that it will get better and be ok in the end.

Today just wasnt a good day. I sat in indigo thinking about my day and I couldnt help but wonder a few things when I opened up a book called Men and Womens Secrets. In it was a collection of annonymous confessions from men and women across the US and Canada. It was interesting and at the same time I can only imagine liberating for those people to confess those things and get them off their chest. A part of me wished I could do the same too.

I think I'm going to go to bed and relax. Its going ot feel good not having to work tommarow. I worked last saturday and people dont understand sometimes how much of a toll it takes on you after working 11 hour days 5 days a week. It might only be 3 hours every other saturday but add that on to the 55 you just did that week and it gets really draining!

Not to mention I'm eating healthier so no more junk food for me it hasnt exactly been the best week for me!

Off to bed I go. Talk to you later lovelies!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Its Mine and you can't have it!

The devil always tries to find a way to taint your happiness and steal your joy because he likes seeing you down.

I was feeling soooooooooo good inside this past week. Even when things on the outside made me mad or didnt sit right with me deep down inside I was still feeling my joy and happiness then this weekend happened and challenged my grip on both.

There's a situation that happened a few weeks back and after my bf urged me to talk to this person everything was laid out on the table. Well some of the stuff laid out didnt sit right with me afterwards and I told myself I'm not going to let it steal my joy. It hasnt stolen it but it has made it hard to feel it. I dont think thats fair to me. I'm not going to beat myself up the way I usually do and say, "I should just not let it bother me", because I'm human, its a weird situation and it would bother anyone else. I sat and thought about it and I've decided to take a new approach. I'm gonna pray about it. Now I pray alot but I get discouraged about things especially if I dont see any progress. That doesnt mean things arent changing and moving in the right direction. When I say right it might not be what my heart desires but it is the direction that God wants and in the end works out better than you would have wanted anyway. When you pray about something is essentially what happens.

Letting go and letting God is hard because I like to know whats happening. But God isnt going to come down and say, "This is what my next move is and this is how its going to turn out". So I'm going to pray about that too and continue to move forward. Let God to take care of that situation. Honestly thats all that I can do. I cant make anyone like me and I cant change the way someone feels. So since I cant change anyone else I will work on the one person I can change...and thats myself and how I respond to situations and people.
^^^^My joy!

This blog entry is not meant to be my declaration of instant healing. I am cofident that this too will pass and there will come a day in the very near future that it wont bother me. This blog entry is meant to be a declaration of another step forward; a step toward freedom and retained happiness! I'm determined to do it but this time not on my own. I'm going to try this new approach and I know the results will be better then I will ever expect.
Good night everyone :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

5 things to be happy for!!

I just viewed a youtube channel by Intro2the1 and she asked the viewers to list 5 things they are happy for in life. I started thinking about my day how it started out peaceful, got frustrating then ended on a good note.

So I thought about what my list would look like and decided on these 5 things.
1. Being alive and healthy-it could be so much worse if I weren't
2. My boyfriend talking to me about not letting words get to me so much. In the end they are just words-I really think I needed to hear that
3. my family (as dysfunctional as they can be) and my boyfriend- I love them both very dearly

4. Feeling happy inside despite outside things-deep down I am holding onto my joy

5. my promotion-I am excited and nervous all at the same time.

These are the top 5 things I am happy for right now. The list might vary but there are things on there that will remain the same.
Tonight I visited my bf's aunt and her new baby in the hospital. He arrived 1:19pm today! I dont think I have seen her and her fiance so happy. He was glowing and so was she and their son is so beautiful. I think I can say I have witnessed how having a child can transform someone into blissful happiness; they were that happy. When her fiance looked at his son his face transformed into love. Hard to really explain it but I saw it. People who have children have told me that they are blessings planned or not and when they arrive you cant imagine what it was like before them. I would like to experience that some day. I'm not running to have my own right now but I want to experience it too

Till we speak again. Love you all.!

Night :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A beautiful Island amidst the fog of envy!

My cell phone is stressing me. But thats not how I wanted to start this post. I really wanted to mention how more and more the envy is coming out in the people around me. How sad eh? It seems that people cant understand why I would want to move up and away from this section of the business. Maybe its not meant for them to understand, perhaps they should tell themselves that the next time they want to ask me dumb questions like why did I apply for it.

I feel like I am counting down the days till I can finally say goodbye. Now I'm not leaving with the expectation that I will be arriving in the land of milk and honey. I am realistic about that too. But I am also wanting to leave because simply this side of the business is not for me. Either way its not my problem. I'm not going to let that worry me. Like yesterday I am going to put it behind me and move forward because its a new day and tommarow will be an even newer day then today. So much possibility, so much hope.

SO this is the phone I want to get!

My provider is Telus and they FINALLY have a phone that is comparable to the Blackberry Bold. This beauty is called the Blackbery Tour! Its what you get if a Blackberry Curve and Blackberry Bold had a baby. Its a world phone and GSM capable with a added bonus of being HSPA capable aswell. AND!!! It comes with a SIM card. FINALLY!!!!!!!!!! Telus you have heard the people and responded! Its about damn time!!

The nice thing about this phone is its bigger then the curve and heavier but smaller then the Bold. The Bold has wiFi but the Tour doesnt. Sucks but you know what, I wouldnt have used it anyway so no use crying over something that wouldnt benefit me.

Telus offers it on a 3-year for $229.99 regular $600; the same thing they are offering everyone else on a new activation. I have been with them for about 10 years so I'd like a better discount then that. Thats my ego talking but still after everything they have put me through I think I deserve something for being willing to stick it out with them for another 3 (if I have to sign a damn 3 year contract anyway!). I'm going to call rogers then go visit a telus store and actually touch the phone and see what it feels like for myself.

Hopefully all goes well and I can finally throw thisBlackberry Pearl in the garbage and get a phone that:


*I can turn the volume up or down if I need to


*keeps phone calls in memory

*doesnt randomly erase numbers out my phone book

*doesnt freeze 7 times a day-LITERALLY !!

*tells me theres a missed call and actually displays the call for me to see who I missed


So to end this post on a good note I'd like to finish my thoughts with this

I am happy for my blessings. I'm going to use up the rest of my gift cards and go buy a few shirts at the mall tommaorw so I can start out my work week fresh and polished. After all I have a refined and sophisticated image to maintain LOL. I was told that by a girl who works at another branch. LOL I'm excited. I havent bought clothes for work in so long. Hell, saturday was the 1st time I shopped for lesiure clothes for myself in ages. $5 tops-cant go wrong with that LOL

Night everyone!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I think I can start to smile now...Its official!

Its official! I am an accountant level 1 and now the rest of the company knows it too!!

The announcement went out this afternoon and my inbox was flooded with congratulations from co-workers and upper management. It was really nice. But with the good cames the bad. I had to go to another location and some of the people there were not as happy for my promotion. I knew it was coming. So I take the good with the bad and keep it moving onwards.

I'm happy for my promotion and I am looking forward to a change of pace.

Have a good night everyone!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Deep, deep down inside. I am happy! I just gotta stop worrying

I had a decent day today. It started out well then somewhere before 6 turned into me yelling into my phone at my co worker who had made a very rude comment to me. He's one of those people who cant take pressure and snaps at everyone. So when he did it to me I was not having it. I pulled out my cell in traffic, police officer near by (its "illegal" to talk and drive here) and let him have it. He ended up apologizing to me afterwards. His apology was sincere so I gave him daps and we are cool now. I am not one to like holding grudges but when I got back into the office I wanted to ignore him till 6 then go home.

I miss my friend. I really do. Even though I have made new friends I miss the old. So I pray because at this point I dont know what direction to go from here about this. I think this is one to let go and let God take care of so I am. I pray and ask God to work the situation out and also to grant me peace of mind and heart regarding this matter. I am confident (yes I am!) that it will work out. Till then no use worrying, and increasing my stress for no reason.

I love my bf. I really do alot and I know he reads this so I want him to know that even though we may disagree, argue, get on each others nerves that I recognize that every relationship takes effort and work. It wont always be rosey but even when we face challenges and tests in the end it makes us stronger!

Always and Forever...

Me and you :)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

^^^I feel like this bird right now in the picture; stopping to take a look at the pretty flower and reflect

I went out with a friend today. She brought her 3-year old niece and together we hit up the nail salon so I could get a refill, the mall, and the outlets. It was fun. We talked and laughed and she drove crazy as hell. I laughed about that too but only after I was safe and away from the back of the bus, or that car coming faster then I thought it should as she switched lanes.

She drove me home bc she had some stuff to do plus she had to return her niece to her mom so my mother and I went driving as soon as I got out my friends car. I didnt even go upstairs to drop of my bag; my mother met me downstairs and we left right away. I just didnt want to be inside doing nothing when I'm not used to doing that on a saturday. We went driving to some of the richer houses to browse and admire them. Weird maybe but I liked it! It was fun going and looking at all those nice houses, some of which were in abscure little areas. Some neighbourhoods had houses that were too close together so it took away from their beauty. Others were built in the 60's that was surrounded by trees and forrests. The area almost seemed like a world of its own tucked away in the city. It literally felt like we took a trip to the country. It was nice. I made my mother laugh when we toured PVC and I saw all those HUGE mansions. I told her I was going to put it in my prayers for an area I want to live in in the near future LOL. It was that just blew me away how gorgeous it is over there. Every vehicle that rounded the bend was a new mercedes, BMW or JAG. Guess that says what kind of money one has to have to live there. Almost all the houses were gated and some were so big they looked like campuses for private schools.

I ended the night laughing with my friend and her friend at a restaurant till we had to leave. The kitchen staff was going home and we werent allowed to sleep there till morning. Sucks I know! All in all a good day. It didnt start out so good (There is alot to learn and blog about there but thats for another time) but ended pretty well.

Now I'm off to bed :)

Till morning everyone!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Random ish to clear my mind...

I get annoyed sometimes when things dont go my way. I'm not gonna lie.

I went to bed last night pretty late and was woken up this morning by loud claps of thunder and the sound of rain beating on my window. I stayed awake for a while listening to it then dozed off somewhere after. The weatherman warned of high winds and alot of rain this morning so I knew it was better to wait it out then head out and get my nails done and start my errands.

This cell phone I have is quite annoying. Sometimes it rings sometimes it doesnt. It rang but I didnt know and I was waiting for that call. This isnt the first important call I missed from friends or family or from work.

I'm just so tired of it. I'm gonna go to the mall to see if they will change my phone for me so I can at least...have one that rings. Maybe something can be worked out for me-I'll pray about it.


moving on....

I noticed something interesting yesterday when I was out with my nephew that I want to share.

My nephew and I bear a resemblance because his father and I look like our dad. In turn my nephew looks like my brother so when we are together its obvious he and I are related. Thing is he looks completely white. He has blondish brown hair and green eyes and a slight tan now because its summer but he looks white. I got alot of double takes from people whose eyes would dart between my nephew and I then back to me. Interestingly my nephew didnt notice or maybe he did but didnt say anything to me about it. LOL I almost forgot how much stares we get when we go out together.

My friend said something to me a few weeks ago and I think its true. She said that maybe my bf and I hangout too much and that we both need to have other friends to hang out. I think she might be right. I think that could have been why he sounded so annoyed last night. I wondered why he hesistated when I asked if he wanted to meet up today. I guess he just wants to be on his own or go out with his friends if they call.

I asked him if he thinks we hang out too much and he gave me a statement then finally said yes. Did that hurt my feelings? Truth hurts right? I think of him as my best friend so when you hear that from your best friend it hurts no? But am I going to cry? No. He has a right to feel the way he does no matter how or what I think about it.

The last thing I want is to become annoying to anyone so I'm going to take what he said and give him his space. Too much of something, in this case me is not a good thing.

Profound words...

ok I'm off to get ready now. Till I blog some more random shit....this self therapy session is now adjourned.

Late-NIGHT SEX!!!!

OK. So I'm sure you all want to hear about this late night sex right? Well here goes....

I walk into the bathroom to wash my face and go to bed whend I hear these sounds. I shut off the water and listen and its a girl moaning loud!

"Oh my gosh!" "Oh!!Oh!!Oh!!", "Oh My gosh!", " "Oh yes....yess!!"

Only one reason why a woman will be saying all!

SO, I creep over to the window (to see if some dumb ass teen is trying to brazingly have sex outside) but I see nothing. The my eye catches a van rocking back and forth and the girl inside it is practically screaming-and I mean about to lose her voice cause she cant yell really loud but she cant keep it in either so it comes out sounding somewhere in between. Right then I know its not a teen cuz these dumb ones around here arent that smart (trust me if you see them you will understand why I say that). Next thing I hear the neighbours upstairs came out on their balcony and they start commenting on the ahem...situation.
"Oh my gosh can you believe this? She is having sex!" "That girl is having sex downstairs in that van!!"


Whoever it was in that van laying the pipe down he was hitting it pretty nice cause she sounded like she was gonna pass out. Then just as I thought she was gonna scream out for real there's silence, the van stops rocking and I dont hear anything for a good minute. I guess their done! I keep looking but nothing. So after about 2 mins I go back to the bathroom and I hear what sounds like a door shutting. I hurry up and pee, wash my hands (yes I'm giving you details and considering what this post is about I dont see why it would be inappropriate!!) and hurry back to my peeping window-yes I named it this because It had what I thought were amazing views-I cant believe what I saw after.

This black girl comes (She lives/or visits here alot) out the van on the other side facing away from anyone pulling into the parking lot and proceeds to fix her wig and skirt. Girl is bare foot! Then she reaches into the passenger side seat in the front and puts on her sweater and pumps.The door opens again and I hear a male voice talking so I go to my other peeping window that I found last second (it had an even better view) and I see what looked like another woman putting her hair in a ponytail and then putting on a baseball cap. But I was wrong. It wasnt another was a spanish guy. They both get back in the van then I see another set of headlights turn on and begin to pull away.

Guys, it was another guy pulling off in a SUV. Two guys were in the van with the girl!!! The van followed the SUV and both parties left!! Wow....I really need to move away from this place!

Ok I'm going to bed finally LOL

Ice Age-Dawn of the dinosaur!

So I got to spend the evening with my nephew. I cant believe how much he has grown. We are almost the same height and his voice is getting deeper. Its funny because while he was bent down tying his laces I looked downa dnd he had hair on his legs. LOL I know it seems weird to say that but the last time I saw him he still sounded like a child. Now he is a young man. Even though we just walked around the mall for a moment darting in and out of different stores (MAC for me, EB Games for him) then ran (literally) to the theatre to watch the movie I still had alot of fun with him. We drove to walmart to get him a Transformers action figure but they were closed. He is a huge fan of the movie.

I look forwrd to doing it again with him. He is going away this sunday and I'm gonna miss him alot. I cant wait to see him again!

till next time, take care ya'll!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I got the job!!!!! I'm an Accountant Level-1

On to better news!!

I'm a Level 1 Accountant!!!

All those long hours studying, pouring over books and trying to figure out what all those terminology meant it all paid off.

Ok Tuesday night as I cried my eyes out I ironed my favorite blue shirt and layed it out with my black suit. The next mornign I woke up and told myself its time to focus and move forward and leave last night behind. SO I got dressed, put on my suit and packed my black and grey Coach purse and left for work. Apparently I looked like a movie star because my boss and colleagues commented that I looked like I just stepped off a set. Cool!

I leave work at 11:20 jump on the toll highway and get to head office. What was suppsoed to be a 15 minute interview with the controller and the head of accounting turned into a 2 part interview with the initial one being conducted by 3 accountants interviewing me at the same time. Talk about intimidating :( I walked out of there wondering how I could have possibly done considering I was just interviewed by 3 ppl; all of whom I couldnt read their stone expressions! YIKES! Then onto the big interview. I went in there and told myself to just do it. SO I just did it LOL and I think I blew them away. They had at least 5-6 pages (I kid you not) of questions to ask me but we spent most of the time laughing and talking through them. It was great. So I get back to the branch and go to lunch come back anmd am back and forth with customers. I walk back in to the office and my boss tells me to call the controller. It felt like it took 20 mins to get to my desk that was 2 metres away and dial her #. I was nervous and scared but the news was good. She told me I made it easy to decide who to give the role to and that I got the job!

I am so excited!! She came by today to drop off my contract and I was so happy to see her and get it.

My manager commented that he hopes I am not making more than him when she left. So I told him the only way I would is if I was asked back to my prior position. He asked my base, I told him, he walked off yelling, "Holy s****!". That should keep him quiet!

Now off to enroll in my courses. I want to get my accounting certificate and look into how I can get a degree.

This must be why my joy is blanketed on the inside

SO tuesday night I thought about making a second post but my eyes were puffy from crying and my body was tired so I went to bed. I loved Michael but not enough to bring on such a response. So what made me cry like that? A friend. These past few weeks have been hard for me. I've been depressed and sad alot and quite frankly I didnt feel like myself at all. I struggled to even smile let alone speak sometimes. Apparently in my cloud of depression her birthday passed and I didnt call her. My bad, if the circumstances were different I gurantee you I would have called. But I was caught up in my own sadness and clouds of emotions that it came and went and I didnt even realize.

Then someone we know died July 1st. I found out on facebook and in my disbelief I scanned the friends list found someone I knew and messaged them asking if it was the same guy that my friend knew. She didnt reply; instead she told my friend that I asked her. Interesting. My intentions were not malicious. In fact, I had been wondering why it was that if I didnt call my friend she didnt call me. But I guess it was because she was upset that I didnt call her for her birthday.

A little background info: She and I have had a up and down friendship. In university I often felt like the fall back friend. My major was time consuming and I couldnt go out with her as much as I would have liked to go out as much as she could but I couldnt. We talked about it but nothing really happened then we stopped talking and started again on my effort. Then I became the mall friend. Its so stupid and complicated that I dont even want to type it all. Its mentally and physically exhausting.

Now she is upset. I apologized, I explained I called, I even called her today at work to see how she was doing. SHe sounded distant. I tried to tell myself that it has to do with her aunt being very sick and her trying to deal with that guys death but ... she doesnt talk to me the same. Shes distant, cold. I told her about my recent promotion (I'll blog about that in the next entry) and she paused like she was shocked at my new title then goes, "oh". SO I explain my title (why do I have to explain really??) shouldnt you just be happy that I am in a better position then I was in before?? I had to explain before she said, "Oh thats good. I'm happy for you". Wow! I sat on the phone and asked myself why I bothered to call her after my text asking how she was feeling went unanswered for almost 2 hours. Then I answered myself with one word: guilt! Guilt made me call her because I felt guilty for not calling her on her birthday and making her think that I was angry at her when I asked her friend about the death. Truth of the matter is I was depressed...very depressed. Nothing else. SO why should I feel guilty about that?? Its like my good news is being tainted by all these other bad outside things.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tears for You Michael

My heart is heavy because I am still in denial that MJ is truely gone. I cant bring myself to let the teras in my eyes fall bc I just cant give in that he is really gone. I just cant. I thought my kids would see and hear Michael some day the way I had the privilage to. I watched as MuchMoreMusic, MTV, and Much Music broadcast his many videos but there is one video that transports me back to being 11 siting in my moms room glued to the tv; "Remember the Time". That was my favorite song in the whole world and if you were giving me a million dollars to look away I probably wouldnt notice you there. Thats how transfixed he had me. I watched and took in every move his body made, his dancers, the set, the lyrics everything. When the song came on my little radio I would dance all around my room. I'd even cut friends off the phone so I could sing and dance along to it. Thats how much I loved that video and song....thats how much I loved Micheal. By 11 I was old enough to appreciate him and understand how genius and far ahead of his time he was; even if it was just by me loving that song. There are many other songs that I loved, songs that if I am in the car and they are played on the radio I turn it up, start dancing (yes all in my seat lol) , singing along and smiling.

There will be NO one else to come after him nor is there anyone before him who could capture a nation and influence generations who only knew him when he was grown (including me) and those who knew of him through the 80's and 90's babies who grew up and used his inspiration and influence to incorporate his lyrics and dance moves in their song. My future kids will hear about Michael and see him if be from the records I play (yes I will have at least one at that time), from the videos I will play either on the internet, on blue ray or maybe even the DVD player if that doesnt go the way of the 8-track LOL.

Michael you will be missed more that I or many of your other fans can ever express in words. So where ever you are, if you can read our hearts to know how we truely feel.... we love you! Rest in Peace Michael. Hopefully you will experience the peace that you deserved on your short stay with us on earth.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Selfish and Karma- Are they connected??

God is good to can I let him down?? Hvae you ever heard this gospel song?

The song is nice but my humaness makes that last statment almost seem like a lie. The fact of the matter is I do bad things from time to time. Not bad in that I am criminally liable to stand in front of a judge and await sentencing but just your everyday bad stuff; the kind of thing that keeps me out of jail but might make me subject to another (imperfect) humans judgment.

I blogged a few weeks back about not caring what other people think and it remains a struggle for me still to this day. But I know its a process that will take time. Some days are easier then others, yet other days I find myself falling back into familiar habits of trying to anticipate someone elses moves or thoughts based on their moods, actions or facial expressions. Its impossible because I dont know whats going on in someones mind and unless I suddenly develop some special ESP mind reading capabilities it wont happen anytime soon. People are people-selfish, imperfect, caught up in their own heads and their own worlds oblivious to everyone else.

I find that I consider other poeples feelings and how my actions impact them alot more than the courtesy is extended back to me. It hurts my feelings because I just want someone to "care" about how thier actions impact another (me?). But is that expectation in itself selfish? Unfortunatly, I dont live in a world where other people care about me or anyone else that is not in their close circle. Instead they will freely do to others what they couldnt dare stand someone doing to them or worse their spouse, significant other or children. If the reverse were true they would go ape shit on someone. Yet there they are doing it to someone else without as much as a second thought. For example my obnoxious asst manager. He is disrespectful, rude, crass, and obnoxious yet I'm willing to put down money if anyone handled his wife that way at her place of work he would be taking time off to go whoop some ass. Yet he feels no ways to do it to us at work. Funny how that works huh?

Or the guy in the truck who dangerously cuts you off on the road. Had that same scenario been played out with his wife, gf, bf, sibling, or child behind the wheel he would be on a personal mision to hunt the guy down and run him over. See what I mean?

WE as humans dont care, yet belly ache and get damn angry if the bad things we do to other people comes back onto those we love the most! never hits you where it will hurt the least. It always hits you where it hurts the most! And if the most means it is played out on your bf, gf, child, or family then thats what is going to happen.

In Jamaica there is a saying that goes:

"its not the same day leaf touch the wata it rotten. It takes several days"

Translation, its not the same day that a leaf falls onto the water does it fully rot. It takes many days before the process starts. Meaning karma is not always happens slow but when it does its profound and cannot be denied for what it is.

I found out yesterday that someone I knew, full of life died July 1st. He was only 29 and it got me thinking even more about how precious life is and how we all only have but a short time here. SO many deaths, a pastor getting caught up in a shocking revelation that to this day many cant believe now this. Its sad. I decided today when I woke up that my life is too precious to be caught up worrying about things, people, their decisions. My life, my health, and existance is not to get caught up in these fine points with people whom many didnt even exist in my world till recently. Its a waste.

So I close by saying this:

Life is a celebration.

I've been giving my personal power to too many people who dont deserve it. I've given too many poeple a slice of importance that they have not earned or should have been cut back on a long time ago. The list carries quite a few names and emotionally I need to cut the stings and set them free down the river so they can experience their 7 days.

Peace and love everyone!

hugs and kisses


Happy 4th of July my american friends!

I know this is a few days late. I apologize for that. I was running around alot on staurday so posting or even coming on the internet was next to impossible.

I Hope you all enjoyed your day!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Bad day!

What a bad day I had. I came home and played SIMS for 2 hours because I just wanted to get my mind off it and onto something else. I havent forgotten about blogging, I'm just not ready to talk about it. I think I'm gonna go to bed.

ttyl later

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

HAPPY CANADA DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I almost forgot!

Yes I am C-A-N-A-D-I-A-N!!! EH!!!!

Yes I am damn PROUD of it! (And what??)

Yes, I'd rather live here than in the USA (yes I said that too and guess what, millions of other Canadians feel the EXACT same way!! Go Canada!!)

So to make it up to this country that has made me so proud and FREEI say.....

OH Canada! Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!

Love always a Proud and patriotic Canadian!

<---Nope this is not me! LOL I'm proud! Not looking for pnemonia!

I'm so glad that I wasnt born anywhere else but here. I love this country and its faults but even though the politicians piss me off, have hidden agendas and are passive aggressive children in suits at cityhall, there are strikes happening everywhere and crime is rising----I love this country and there is no other place that I'd rather be!


Love you all,


Proud Canadian!


Ok so I am studying acccounting and ooooooohh myyyyyy gossssssshhhhh this is detailed and complicated. I had to take a break at the topic of how financial statements are related because the terms depreciation, captiallization, fixed assets, income statemnts, cash flow statements and how expensing items affects all of the above was making me feel like I was about to lose my mind!!


I'm just realy trying to figure this all out LOL. Understand, get the terms right and hopefully know what I am talking about when it comes to accounts recievables, payables and where they all factor in on income statements, cash flow statements and balance sheets!!

Next is the part 1 quiz in the book! Then onwards and forwards to debits and credits!!!


Wish me luck!