
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sorry for the long wait but I'm back

Sorry for my impromptu hiatus!

I sprained my ankle badly at work in two places (doctors told me they had read about such sprains in their textbooks but never actually saw it in real life...yay me), than I had family stay over, and finally I had to took my wisdom teeth out which has been a painful and swollen experience.

I havent forgotten about you guys and I apologize for the long wait. To start fresh, new posts to my blog will begin Sept 1st.

Thanks for your patience!

Love you guys!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Are you look for a job?

Are you looking for a job? Something you can do in your spare time at home when you have a few moments to yourself?

Why not complete survey's? Its a great way to make some extra cash for answering a few questions on products and services you use everyday. So if you have a computer and 5 minutes to spare then this job opportunity is for you.

Click-->>> To find out more details and start getting paid right away. Click Here!

If this opportunity doesnt tickle your fancy try this one. Both are great but sometimes only one will fit.
Click Here!

But if both fit, why not get paid double??

2. Are you a Creative Writer looking for writing opportunities online? Do you know a lot about a certain topic or subject matter and are looking to be paid for your opinions? Well this opportunity is for you! You will be compensated competitively for your thoughts, and opinions. So why not check it out and see what they have to offer? What do you have to lose? You have a lot to gain! Click the link:
Click Here!

Deals to save you money and Live Well.

Hello all.

Sorry for being away for so long. I sprained my ankle badly so I have been out of comission for longer then I wanted.

Anyhow I havea few deals here for you all as I promised every friday (which is turning out to be on a Sunday but thats only for today lol)

Click Here!

Click Here!

Click Here!

Click Here!